A collection of dual sourcing web apps
There have been a number of apps developed for assessing the economics of dual sourcing in global supply chains recently. This web page collects these together for easy reference.
- Dennis Zhang provides this shiny app to support the paper Boute, R. and Van Mieghem, J.A., (2015) Global Dual Sourcing and Order Smoothing: The Impact of Capacity and Leadtimes. Management Science, 61(9)2080-2099, 2015
- Stephen Disney provides a shiny app to support the paper Boute, R., Disney, S.M., Gijsbrechts, J. and Van Mieghem, J.A., (2022), Dual sourcing and smoothing under non-stationary demand time series: Re-shoring with SpeedFactories. Management Science 68 (2), 1039-1057.
- David Francas created this web app to support the paper Allon, G. and Van Mieghem, J.A., (2010), “Global Dual Sourcing: Tailored Base-Surge Allocation to Near- and Offshore Production”, Management Science, 56 (1), 110-124.
If you know of any other dual sourcing web apps or decision support tools, please let me know. I will be happy to link them here.